While there are arguments to be made for various races, sub-races, or what have you, at the end of the day we are all part of the same humankind. There are definitely certain differences in appearance between peoples: like skin-colour or certain physical features like eyes, mouths, height, or hair, and there are even special, unique traits (like enhanced hearing, ability to consume raw meat, or even necrotic stasis). However, at the base level it would seem we all share the same humanlike core; be it functions or our humanoid nature.
Different cultures will view the matter of human race differently, and in some communities and societies one race might even be considered above another. In Caden, the matter of skin-colour isn't outright spoken of outside of hushed circles or some people's bigoted personal grudges. There are scientific categories considered, but outside of that a person's race based on skin or region isn't outright a concern or issue.
However, when it comes to the New Verd, people of the Old Verd tend to have very colourful opinions in regards to the native Caidhe; many opinions of which don't paint the Caidhe in a good light. Additionally, many cultures view Wichts with fear because they think them Outsiders, and many people of the Great Verd have never seen a Narum, and so they don't quite know how to feel when they see a living dead person before them. Then there are cultural differences and different traditions to consider, where one culture's actions might be seen as foul by another. It's all very messy and confusing, for sure.
Racial hatred and bigotry is often rooted in past conflicts, low education, regional strife, or in a natural fear of the unknown, and when a Verdian meets a Narum and sees their decaying skin, it would seem very natural for them to be afraid in that situation, if they don't know any better. Ideally the enlightened should educate and teach about human union in diversity, but we all know that even that won't be enough to convince some people to rid themselves of their rooted hatreds.
Regardless, ours is a world full of different peoples, and all humans definitely have their place here, even if some haven't found it yet, or if some still decide to deny others their seat.
Asharic Ancestries
"It is said that all humans of the Old Verd are descendants of Asharic tribes and clans, who once ruled the central continents of Tavyr, Seharn, and Solmun in a time when those great islands were joined and whole.
Among the Asharic, certain ethnic groups were present distinctly in certain regions, and while the Asharic people as a whole mixed together generally, they divided themselves by the regions of which they hailed from.
These different region-based ethnicities have remained even to this day, and are prominent in the ancestries of Caden and Shandor's Folk. There are little to no 'racial' differences between these ethnicities, save for certain differences in general appearance and skin-colour. In fact, it is rare that anyone uses these terms outside of scientific or historical reasons, or as general means of description.
> Harka tend to have shades of dark brown to darker skin and dark hair, with brown and dark eyes.
> Kirish have brown to light reddish skin, narrow or long eyes, and dark or brown hair.
> Jin have yellowish hues to their skin, dark hair, and brown, yellow, or green narrow or long eyes.
> Tavic are fair-skinned, and can possess brown, yellow, or dark hair, and they have typically large silver or blue eyes.
> Cassians have fair, white skin, brown or blue eyes, and have brown, yellow, white, or dark hair.
> Navino have olive or bronzed skin, have brown or green eyes, and they are typically dark, brown, or golden haired.
> Ashwa have light to dark brown skin, shades of brown in their eyes, and dark hair.
> Vascans are typically pale-skinned, have brown, yellow, or red hair, and large red, green or blue eyes.
While there are many variations inbetween, these eight ancestries are the most common.
Additionally, some ancestries are more common over others in certain regions, like how there are more Jin, Kirish, Harka, and Ashwa among the people of Shandor's Folk, and more Tavic, Cassians, Vascans, and Navino among Caden's Folk.
Caidhe, uniquely, seem to have no ties to the Asharic, and they have their own ideas of ethnic groups. In general they seem to think of all Caidhe as the same, regardless of differences in skin or hair colour, and they only divide themselves into Chlanns, which are what one might call "super-clans". Of those encountered in Pandora, there are four Chlanns, but it is very likely that there are more further west, beyond the Ashwastes.
Caden's Folk of the West
Caden's Folk are various Asharic clans who settled and became the people of the Great Verd. The majority of the clans eventually merged and became the Caden Empire, under a people referred to simply as the Cadenic. However, other clans left long before then, and would become the ancestors of many other peoples, which includes Ironeers, Estani, Centralians, Navarians, Norvascans, and Solmunese.
Smaller clans also spread throughout the Great Verd, and became more tribal-bound peoples who settled in places like the Tavyr and Seharn jungles, Kadacian isles, Norvascan isles, the Great Deserts (Mardor, Tavarn, Spiral Desert, and Ophirn), and also the cold, distant lands of Tarn Sibyr and the Arkanorsan steppes.
When the Annihilation destroyed the lands of the Asharic, Caden led his followers to the north-west. Caden’s Folk were eventually split between his daughter and son (whose names have remained a mystery) after Caden fell in a battle; supposedly against Stonemen.
Over the following century the clans travelled north and west, and founded the foundations of the rising kingdoms and nations of today.

His daughter’s followers founded the Heartland Kingdoms (precursors to the Caden Empire), and they also established and conquered lands in Mercuria, the Dunyedlands, Hagen, and Norvasca. His son led the majority of the clans to the far north, leaving behind any clans that couldn’t or wouldn’t keep up. These clans would be the precursors of Naradda and Norlesia, and those who made it to their prophesied destination would found the many Iron Kingdoms.
Collectively, all peoples of the Great Verd are simply known as Verdians, who are the general descendants of Caden's Folk and his clans.
Shaped by War

Caden's Folk are often preoccupied in war and conflict, and frequently on a large scale. Entire continents are engulfed in the flames of death and battle, and many suffer for it.
Throughout history, wars have shaped many cultures and lands of Caden's Folk. While some few avoid open warfare, they are still shaped by its effects; whether it be by manipulating conflicts behind the scenes (a preferred method of the Guilder States), or through developing technologies meant to dissuade potential invasions (as was the case for the Mechians).
The Caden Empire, most of all, has played a large part in shaping the diverse peoples of Norania, Navar, Norvasca, and the Kadacian Sea, as well as in some other, distant places of the world too. Where the Caden Empire conquers and assimilates, it creates various new castes, communities, or entire cultures that form around the Empire's main prospects: war and expansion.
The Union States, once independent, were conquered by the Caden Empire and turned into the "Cog of the Empire". The Candler Rebellion prompted the Empire to send secret military aid, which gave them a political foothold in the Grand Duchies when the Candlers won.
The Iron Wars fought between the Caden Empire and the Iron Kingdoms saw many nomadic tribes forced to join sides throughout the Marbor Desert, and now the Third Iron War sees Caden and the Iron Kingdoms clash once again at the borders of the Grand Duchies.
Even now, war and battle continues to play a key part to fuel the advancement of technology amongst the peoples of the Great Verd.

Shandor's Folk of the East
Shandor's Folk were Asharic clans who travelled eastwards, until they found the many isles of Xim, where they would become the Ximese. Along the way, many clans and tribes broke off and formed new peoples of their own, such as the Narum, Ishanic, Calisha, Osun, Waganu, Luca, and Bedvani.
While their true origins are unknown, the Zhi on the Kinthai continent share traits with the Ximese, so it is theorized that they were also once of Shandor's Folk.
Shandor led her people to the east, eventually splitting into many, many tribes along the way as they travelled through Sarrad, until she arrived at Xim with what remained of her followers, and founded the first Ximese Empire, later known as the Shian-Ti Empire.
The tribes who remained in Sarrad grew large and powerful, eventually joining the already existing Empire of Narumad, until its mysterious fall, which would lead to the founding of the Sultanates and Caliphates along Sarrad’s southern coastlands and parts of Ishan. Other kingdoms (such as Nethi, Ossen, and Harrakum) also grew briefly, but suffered fates similar to Narumad before them.

Shandor herself ruled the Xiamese Empire as Empress, and she lived to be well over a hundred years old. Her body was immortalized in the great capital city of Shandor (named in her honour), where she has been mummified and is openly displayed in the palatial halls of the Wakeless Necropolis.
Shandor’s Folk’s descendants have spread throughout most of Xiam, Sarrad and Ishan. However, only those who hail from the central islands of Shian-Ti regard themselves as true descendants to Shandor. The ruling Emperors and Empresses maintain a bloodline that goes all the way back to Shandor herself; meaning that theirs is a dynasty that has lasted for roughly a thousand years.
It is incorrect to lump all these descendant clans together due to how vastly different they are, but Verdians tend to refer to all eastern peoples as Eastverdians.
The Occult East

Even before the Resurgence, the lands of the east were considered the realms of magic and dark sorcerers. Monsters, demons, and spirits were oft the focus of many childrens' tales, and every corner of the east has its own set of gods and spirits that they worship or contend with.
After the Resurgence, Shandor's Folk seem to be more commonly affected by the Void, as a greater number of their people become Voidtouched in some sense, and eastern Outsiders and Wichts aren't as persecuted or openly feared as they are in the west.
Eastern Outsiders in fact enjoy greater freedoms, and especially so now as the influence of the Serpent Cult has grown throughout lands like Xim and southern Sarrad.
Warlocks, necromancers, magi, sages, oracles, and many such magic-users can be found all over the east selling magical tinctures or offering soothsaying services, though many are in fact fakes and scam artists. This makes finding legitimate Voidtouched much more difficult.
There are various organizations in the East, that focus on hunting down Voidtouched. Some hunt down dangerous ones who cause Void disturbances, but some groups also seek out Voidtouched to recruit them.
One such organization are the Spiritualists of Cloudtemple in Xim, who train Outsiders and Wichts in spiritual control, so that they might become demon slayers and spirit hunters that travel the darkened lands, and exorcise evil creatures.
The Awakened Narum
The Narum were once of Shandor's Folk, who broke off on the journey to Xim, to establish a vast empire known as Narumad.
Commonly just called the Narum, sometimes referred to as the Awakened or even, in a more derogatory term, 'Undead'.
The Narum are those of the hundreds of thousands of Narum who slumbered in their tombs for many centuries, kept preserved and alive through stasis by Narumidite-powered sarcophagi. They awoke after the Resurgence; then wandered out from their tombs in Sarrad or Ishan, and rebuilt some of their people’s ancient cities.
The original Narum were of Old Narumad, which was an ancient empire that rivalled the greatness of the Asharic people. Little is actually known of Old Narumad and its people, except that the Old Empire just suddenly seemed to fall and disappear from nothing within the blink of a single nightfall.
What were grand structures in one moment suddenly deteriorated into ruins out of nowhere. It is generally believed that Astral Magic was involved somehow, due to the presence of Astral Light near most Narumad tombs and structures.

What remained after the ruins were many tombs, most of which were extremely well hidden or greatly impenetrable due to traps and mechanical guardians. But when the Resurgence came, many of these tombs were revealed when many Narum, who had previously slumbered in those tombs, awoke.
Many Narum are still asleep in their specialized sarcophagi, and some wake up every now and then in places like the Black Tombs in Sarrad, or the Rasja's Tombs on Ishan. Sometimes still sleeping Narum are illegally extracted from their tombs by raiders and looters, and transported throughout the world. They are often sold as slaves to be used as labour when they awaken. The practice is generally outlawed in the the larger nations like the Caden Empire, but it hasn’t stopped many of the greater Houses from secretly employing Narum in their various privately-owned plantations and outposts around the world.
In Xim, many sleeping Narum are bought for thanatological experiments, or to be butchered for their various body parts, which some Ximese circles believe might hold various magical powers. Resurrectionists in the Kadacian Sea also find great interest in studying sleeping Narum, to unlock the secrets of eternal life and undeath.

The science behind a Narum’s body isn’t well understood, and it is easy to attribute their supposed immortal life to unexplainable magic. However, their bodies seem to be sustained mainly by a Narumidite (crafted crystals) heart embedded in their chests, which seems to maintain them in a necrotic stasis and acts like some sort of battery. The heart is mainly recharged by energy-strong Narumidite crystals, though recent developments have proven that using electrical current can also be somewhat efficient to recharge the heart. Consumption of Narumidite crystals, as either crushed bits or paste, absorbs the energy into the body as well.
Additionally, many (but not all) Narum bodies possess golden skeletons, which help to conduct the crystal energies throughout their bodies, and essentially this makes Narum half-Simulacrum. Depending on how the skeleton was built or which parts were focused on, a Narum can be quite strong strength-wise, or they can be quite agile and athletic.
A Narum's body is generally quite durable, yet lacks several internal organs. They do not require sustenance, drink, and they only need very little sleep. However, it’s not impossible for a Narum to consume food or drink, granted they prepare it properly to fit their physiology. In fact, consumption of common food/drink allows for some minor resuscitation. Additionally, while they generally require little sleep, they still sleep frequently if possible, as it helps to keep their mind "fresh".
The most efficient way for a Narum to die is through natural entropy (typically as a result of a weak or fading heart), or by destroying the heart altogether. A second, smaller crystal also sits in the head, which seems to act as some sort of brain (considering that their real brain has deteriorated greatly). Destroying this brain crystal is also lethal; instantaneously so. The brain-crystal maintains the stored brain and mind, and without the crystal the real brain rots away rapidly.
Other than by directly targeting the brain and heart, a Narum is very durable and pain-resistant. Their senses can be quite numbed, depending on how powered their Narumidite crystals are, and even cutting off a limb or two does little to damage them in the long run, as they can easily reattach parts if they have the spares. Most kinds of poisons also have zero effect on a Narum, unless it is some form of acid that melts skin and flesh. In that sense, it should be mentioned that Narum are quite weak to fire, as any burnt wounds are tough to heal. Other than that, most grave wounds can be sewn together, mended, and the healing process can be expediated with the use of crystals or electricity.
At first glance a typical Narum doesn’t look so different from a common Sarradian human. On the outside they still have flesh and skin, hair and nails grow, and they possess human features like eyes, nose, and mouth. Some might have damaged skin, which they hide under coated wraps of cloth. Some might also wear masks or headpieces to hide decayed features on their faces, which is common for Narum visiting lands outside of their people's influence. But the older and more travelled a Narum becomes, the more likely they are to suffer from "wear and tear".
Older Narum are recognizable from their decaying features, as their crystals start to fade within them. Wounds and injuries suffered might become permanent; unable to heal properly even with a crystal. Limbs are often replaced with mechanical ones to make up for their older, failing limbs. While a Narum might potentially live for centuries, they will still have to contend with the failings of their more mortal flesh. Even with necrotic stasis provided by Narumidite crystals, the process of ageing is still only slowed, and not entirely halted.
It is also worth noting that, while Narum appear to biologically function a lot like normal humans, they can't reproduce and have children, which makes them a dying race. A Narum has no capacity for carrying children, nor do they have the capabilities of procreating with normal humans. They might possess the "tools", one could say, but a Narum's sexual organs are effectively completely sterile.
The Narum of today are the direct descendants; or, more accurately, the original people of Narumad who have slept since the Old Empire fell, though they have lost all memory of their past lives.
A vast majority of the Narum don’t remember anything from their old lives, although there are some who are capable of seeing visions of their memories. These are commonly called Oracles, and they are typically regarded highly in the new Narum society. Oracles are often capable of seeing the past of other Narum they touch, which has helped in assigning various Narum to roles that they were “destined” to fulfil, such as revealing a Narum’s past place as a prince, vizier, stonemason, soldier, etc.
A Narum's "destined role" is called their Memoria, which is also their precious, restored memories, which Oracles infuse into a Narumidite crystal for safe-keeping. Memoria crystals are often used as a form of identification in most Narum societies, and reaffirms a Narum's identity in case they forget again, which can happen since many Narum suffer from repeat bouts of amnesia.
An Oracle’s power seems to stem from Astral Light, and their affinity towards it. Oracles maintain embedded crystals on their bodies infused with Astral Light, which allows them to see the visions of the past. Exactly why Oracles were granted such crystals is unknown, though it is believed that they were either once important officials in Old Narumad, or chosen as those who would remember the history of their people.
The Dreambound Caidhe
Caidhe are the native peoples of the Pandoran Continent. They are human in all regards, except for some beastlike features, such as distinctive fangs, clawlike nails, and blackened, catlike eyes.
Caidhe is the common name used when referring to the native population found in the New Verd of Pandora, although the Caidhe themselves rarely ever refer to themselves as such. They have many names for their own clans, but when speaking of their entire people, they refer to themselves as the Mhac'Chlann: "People of the Great Clans".
The term Caidhe seems to have grown in popular usage mostly by Verdian colonists; likely a misunderstanding when the two peoples first met, as Caidhe directly means “dirt” or “filth”, and might have introduced their land as Caidhe rather than themselves as Caidhe.
It is possible the name stuck simply because of colonists’ hatred for the Caidhe during the early territorial wars. The Caidhe themselves don’t seem to see the name as an insult, and merely accept it as the foreigners’ name for them. To the Caidhe being compared to filth appears to be almost an honour, as all Caidhe deem the earth as their benefactor in this World of Dreams, and they are merely descendant specks of it.

Caidhe can be a very aggressive people, although it’s no wonder that most of their people are, since their lands were taken by colonists and settlers coming from the Old Verd. In the early days of the territorial wars, the Pandian Caidhe were overwhelmed and pushed back from most of Cadonia’s eastern coastlands. It wasn’t until six great Kingdoms got together and united under what is now known as the Confederacy of the Six Kingdoms, that colonist expansion into Cadonia slowed, and some fragile "peace" was attained between the Caidhe and the colonists, for now.
The Moontouched are perhaps the least aggressive of the Caidhe, having established certain trade agreements with the Guilder Colonies in Pangolia, and signed many contracts that allow the Guilder colonists and merchants certain rights in Moontouched lands. However, they still forbid any non-Moontouched from possessing any of their precious spices, which are more or less sacred to the Moontouched.

"The Moon Queen"

While generally seen as vicious and primitive, many anthropologists can agree that most Caidhe are honourable and live by a moral code of respect for the land and worthy opponents. Caidhe warriors often paint themselves in the blood of their slain enemies, and some clans turn their slain enemies' bones into weapons or accessories. While it might seem insulting, it is actually form of respect, by saying they will forever remember their former foe.
In recent years, many Caidhe (especially in Cadonia) have begun to simmer in their aggression towards the colonists, and are more willing to open up for trade and cultural learning.
Of course, not all clans wish for peace, and urge their leaders to begin a new great war to retake their stolen lands. Many smaller, independent clans still roam the colonial lands of Cadonia and raid outposts and villages.
Chlanns and Kingdoms
There are many clans of Caidhe, but mainly about four major cultures on the Pandoran Continent, which are referred to as 'Chlanns'. We know of four Chlanns in Pandora, but it is speculated that there are more further west across the Ashwastes. Unfortunately the Caidhe haven't mentioned the existence of more, either because they don't know if there are more, or because they don't want to share that info with colonists.
In the north (Cadonia) are the Pandians, who were among the first of the Caidhe to be encountered by Old Verd colonists and explorers. The central isles are home to small but vicious tribes of island Caidhe known as the Xuluki. The Aosi are found in the greater Nazonian jungles, and are believed to be descendants of an older, more ancient jungle empire. Those who live in the expansive deserts of Pangolia are simply just referred to as Moontouched.
The first Caidhe are said to have come from across the great Ashwastes to the far west, where they supposedly fled from a great evil that was consuming their ancient homelands. Supposedly not even the Caidhe know much of their past, save for how their people were apparently welcomed by the land’s spirits and taken care of.
Most Caidhe are nomadic, and they possess few settled cities beyond temporary ones that they travel to and between depending on seasons. Generally when it comes to Pandians and Aosi, several clans join together to form kingdoms, which don't seem to build permanent settlements, except for a few set on sacred ground, or in places where they make great forges and smithies, for when they need to forge metal tools, armour, or weapons.
The exception also lies in the Moon Kingdom of Malor, which has built large cities within even larger trees, and their people have left many shrines and forgotten temples all over the Nazonian jungles.
The Moontouched, on the other hand, take their cities with them as they travel across the desert; taming great beasts called No’cadhs, which carry towering tents and buildings that serve as their homes. In that sense they carry their kingdoms with them wherever they go.
Myths and Magic
Caidhe hold some primitive beliefs in regards to spirit gods and spirits of the land, and they also practice some gruesome traditions to honour both their gods, ancestors and the spirits. Caidhe perform a series of traditions of self-mutilation, where they cut their own skin and deliberately open up wounds. It is their belief that a wound must be opened for a spirit to enter into them, and heal their ailments from the inside. Additionally many Caidhe clans are cannibalistic, often depending on what kind of Minor God they follow.
According to Caidhe Mythology, the Caidhe and all the world is created from Mac-Tíra (the Dreaming Moon) in her sleep. In essence this belief means that all reality is nothing more than a dream, and to die is to wake up. In addition, Caidhe supposedly never dream when they sleep (incapable of such, for some reason), which gives some credence to their mythology and beliefs. Additionally, Oneiric Light is strong in the lands of Pandora, further adding fuel to the theory.
Since the Pandoran Continent seems to have always possessed magic, many Caidhe can easily use it. Their shamans, druids and similar are unlike Outsiders, in the sense that they don’t control dark magic, but rather a form of natural magic that is native to the New Verd, which makes primary use of Oneiric Light.
It would also seem that all Caidhe are capable of using magic in some form, though those trained in it from birth, like their shamans and druids, are the most capable. However, their magic is considerably weaker if they are in the Old Verd, which means they are only at their strongest when on the Pandoran Continent.
"It was very popular for a short time after the Resurgence for the more elite groups of the Caden Empire (and also parts of the Shian-Ti Empires and other strong nations) to capture natives of different lands, and smuggle them in bulk across the world to be used as entertainment or as slave labour.
This especially happened to the Caidhe, of whom many ended up across many lands throughout the Verd. In such places where many displaced Caidhe became commonplace, such as in many cities, various Caidhe alienages were formed, and those who lived in them became "Kaths".
Kath is a name given to 'integrated Caidhe'. It is mainly used as a slur by Verdians, referring to a Caidhe's cat-like eyes. Caidhe speaking of integrated Caidhe might say "Craith", meaning "hidden", which refers to them hiding their true race. This is also meant as an insult.
Narum also suffered similar displacement in the early days of the Resurgence, as grave robbers stole sleeping Narum in their sarcophagi to sell to wealthy investors seeking cheap labour, or fresh specimens for hidden experiments.
The practice has since been officially banned by the Grand Parliament, but that doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t happen."
The Feylike Wichts
Wichts in the ancient sense were various fantastical and mythical beings who lived in the vast woodlands across the Great Verd, who went extinct long ago shortly after the Asharic Exodus.
They were a very mystical people, who were written of by the Asharic as inhumans, and they were often referred to as the Stonemen. The last recorded case of Stonemen are from legendary stories of Cadence city's founding in the Imperial Heartlands.
“Wichts” included fairies, nixies, and so forth (these were beings with wings and feylike powers), who were wiped out during the Exodus. In Hagen and general Navar these fairies and nixies were specifically known as Wichtfolk, which in time has also inspired stories of forest witches. Evidence of Wichtfolk in Tavyr and Seharn have also surfaced, which suggests they were present among the Asharic too at some point.
In the east, specifically Jewelled East, they were known as harpies, and in the Farthest East they were referred to as demons.

"One surefire way to identify a Wicht is by finding a small and often quite subtle marking etched somewhere on their body; like a magical birthmark of sorts.
These symbols tend to take the shape of ancient Wichtclans, and look a lot like tattoos."

Modern definitions are now different, as Wichts now refer to human individuals who appear to have been "Wicht-Touched" and had blood within them "awaken"; blood that gives them special traits, such as enhanced hearing, sense of smell, or sight. Some who have very strong traits might gain minor abilities associated with various elements or forms of Light, but nothing on the same level as most Outsiders.
Wichts are otherwise impossible to tell apart from ordinary humans, though some who have stronger traits tend to have very distinct eyes or various skin-features, like scales, feathers, stoneskin, or partial unusual skin-colouring. They possess no fairy or harpy wings, and they have no obvious taints of demonic influence about them. They are simply humans with improved senses, and sometimes of minor "magic-like" talents.
Wichts came back after the Resurgence when some humans throughout the Old Verd transformed unwillingly, and it still happens in newborn to this day. Despite how being a Wicht is technically a gift with very few physical downsides, many people, including parents of those Wicht-Touched, are afraid of Void influences, and might shun or abandon those children. Many people are afraid of Wichts, because they believe they possess powerful Voidtouched abilities, much like Outsiders.
But things are slowly changing. The presence of Wichts is more common these days, especially in the Old Verd, and places like the Caden Empire don't shun them as much as they used to. Being a Wicht is generally seen more as an "oddity" nowadays.

Notable People
All manner of folks and walks of life can be found in the Verd, from simple peasant workers to immensely powerful wielders of the Void. There are multitudes of various and unique professions, and there are people who are made and categorized by special circumstance.
The Verd is a very diverse world, as there are many cultures and communities throughout, with their own unique traditions, customs, and philosophies. Sometimes such groups spawn even more unique kinds of people, but depending on where one is in the world, they could be people of persecution, or of elevated praise and worship.
Princes & Princesses
The existence of Blueborn Princes and Princesses is credited to a rare purity of blood, which began with and hails from Caden the First. Caden's bloodline has always been a mystery, as even his direct descendants didn't inherit his special kind of blood. Instead, Caden's Blood can awaken in any girl or boy belonging to the First Clans of Caden's Folk. This includes people outside of the Caden Empire too, though they are rarely recognized and found.
The Blood tends to manifest more readily in highborn circles; though this could just be an assumption because those of the highborn families are more easily recognizable due to their influence, compared to individuals from lower classes who are more obscure and with no influential reach.
There are hundreds of Princes and Princesses in the Caden Empire. It is more or less an elective title, granted to individuals of the Empire who have somehow proven to be worthy for higher ruling status; typically at a young age, based on the quality of their blood, and whether their blood is that of Caden the First. Most candidates are chosen from highborn families, but every now and then a particular candidate might be found and picked from commoner stock.
While Princes and Princesses can be of any racial diversity, it is their blood which decides whether they are allowed to become candidates. The first and most common trait that shows their worthiness is if their hair is purple or has strands of purple in it. The second proof is obtained by testing the blood and comparing it to Caden the First’s Blood.

Usually, someone with Caden's Blood possess what are known as Birthrights: signature abilities that define a Princess or Prince's personality or ambition. This can be anything from being able to control fire, talk to mice, or create webs of solid shadows. Most obtain only one Birthright, though some rare individuals might gain two.
Once found and picked, candidate Princes and Princesses are taken to the local or nearest Royal Blue Academy, where they are taught manners, etiquette, expectations, the Royal Accent, and the greater role of royalty. A Royal Blue Academy can typically be found in any of the major settlements of each Colonial or State Province. Those who refuse to take part in a Royal Education are either forced to, or if they still can't be integrated, they are simply stripped of all their royal rights, and then imprisoned or exiled.
Princesses, and some Princes, tend to take a signature title for themselves, which they use to define who they are, and which they use to identify themselves amongst their peers. Usually a title is either given when they graduate from the Royal Blue Academy, or when they achieve something noteworthy on their travels. For Princesses, their title is often associated with something small, like a bird or an insect. For Princes, it's typically something associated with hounds or fish.
Additionally to a signature title, a Princess is also given a tiara made specifically to them. Similarly, Princes are given specially-made weapons; usually a sword, a pistol, or a dagger. Depending on a Prince or Princess' general standing, they might also be given personal wealth (typically around 16,000Cs), a personal maid/second/assistant, and a small estate or personal chamber in the Blue Palace in the Imperial Capital.

Renowned Princesses
> Joana Kai - the Humming Princess
> Leena Dorsett - the Sparrow Princess
> Lana Beau-Doren - the Silverswan Princess
> Eleanor Becke - the Exiled Princess
> "Swiftharp" - the Magpie Princess
> Alena Coventon - the Youngdove Princess
> Senna Sainte - the Silken Princess
Of the Princes and Princesses, only Princesses can inherit the Blue Crown and sit in the Caden Imperial Throne, and they 'must' take part in the contest for the Crown.
Traditionally only women have ruled as Queens in the Caden Empire, whilst Princes might at most usually become Prince Governors, who preside over large settlements, regions, or even major provinces.
The competition amongst Princesses for the Crown is ruthless, and unofficially anything goes in reaching the top. Spreading rumours, assassinations, bribery, and anything similar are all part of seeing who has the will, skill, and determination to become the next Blue Crown Queen. Some Princesses also go on grand pilgrimages or distant travels, to acquire experience, allies, sponsors, or even special artifacts.
For Princes the competition to become a Prince Governor is less stressful and dangerous, although there are always those who are more ambitious than others. Other than Prince Governor, a Prince might instead take a military position, or become a High Minister.
Truly groomed and ideal Princes could manage to become a Queen’s consort. In that sense he would in a way rule beside her, although he is more specifically considered to be a male concubine for the Queen, and a Queen can choose to have many if she so wishes.
A victorious Princess can only be picked by the current ruling Queen, though if there is no sitting Queen, then it falls to the Eminent Parliament to vote and decide. Princesses who fail to win the Crown either take lesser titled roles, or they could become Undying Courtiers.
Undying Courtiers
The Caden Empress’ closest and most loyal handmaidens. They live and die with their Empress; following her from her initiation, until her grave. The Undying Courtiers are to be interred along with the Empress in her given tomb, and it is considered the greatest honour for one of the Empress’ servants.
This tradition has been ongoing since the first Blueborn Princesses started appearing, and every Queen since then has had her own Undying Courtiers. Past Queens always had Undying Courtiers, and the current Radiant Empress does too, though she’s begun to outlive some of them.
In court, the Undying Courtiers manage and assist the Empress in anything from arranging meetings, parties, taste-testing, carnal pleasures, gathering secrets, business investments, spying, assassinations, secretive plots, and more. They are considered the Empress’ closest allies, and not even the threat of death can separate them from their undying love and loyalty to their Empress.
Typical Undying Courtiers wear draping dresses of imperial blue, and hide their faces behind a thin veil of silk. Many of the Undying Courtiers are often former Princesses, who have given up their titles to serve their ruler personally. In most cases, Undying Courtiers are Princesses who failed to win the Blue Throne, and instead became the Queen's closest servants.
While technically nothing stops an Undying Courtier from betraying her Queen and murdering her because of past grudges, so far it has never happened throughout the Empire's history.


Those who gather human corpses (often through theft and grave-robbing) and use them for experiments are known as Resurrectionists. Specifically, Resurrectionists seek to reanimate the deceased, in an attempt to create or return life. In some places they are called necromancers, but Resurrectionists don’t typically wield or use magic. Their interests and methods lie entirely in the scientific.
The Resurrectionist Movement gained popularity among the scientific community primarily because of a published Galvan’s Code, which detailed certain theories on corpse reanimation. Most of the Code remains unsolved, and its contents are elaborated over some five-hundred pages, which were divided into three books. These books are known as the Resurrection Code volume one through three, and their distribution is illegal in the Caden Empire, making them difficult to find, and very valuable to collectors.
Most Resurrectionists are able to bring “life” back to body-parts, such as hands or eyes. However, there are recorded cases of very skilled Resurrectionists who have managed to animate corpses, but usually the effect only lasted for a few days at most.
In most modern experiments they make use of electric currents and various alchemical liquids, which can at best simulate life. So far no one has managed to create permanent life from nothing.
Resurrectionists are generally unwelcome in most societies, and so they are forced to work in secret, only able to exchange their knowledge with each other through secret messages. Since Resurrectionists have extensive interest and expertise in thanatology, they are usually more tolerated in the East, such as in Shian-Ti or Lucaman.
Venturemen (or Venturers) are people who sign up to a Guilder Familia's posted Venture. These Ventures can be anything from exploring lands, finding specific resources, claiming territory, or establishing colonies. Succesful Ventures can lead to profits for the Familias, and skilled Venturemen are paid for their work (often beforehand).
Most who sign up come from poorer families or are part of the Lavoratorii caste, since work can be quite scarce in the Patria States, and huddled masses of the unemployed crowd the streets of most cities. Venture Investors use this opportunity to lure, recruit, and hire many of the desperate lower classes, and ship them across the world to newly settled colonies to work as cheap labour.
In some special cases, higher grade people are sought after, in cases where a Guilder Familia or other wealthy Venture Investor have more specific interests in mind, such as exploration, mapping, or delving in forgotten ruins and temples.
Specialized Venturemen are often regarded as adventurers, as they explore places where few others have gone, or travel into dangerous areas where few return from.
Most Venturemen, be they the adventuring type or the settler type, are given limited supplies, or as many supplies as their Investors are willing to spend money on. The goal for a Venture Investor is to gain more than they lose, and so a Venture is very much a gamble for them.

Lucent Seekers

Scavengers and explorers, whose main goal is to discover and exploit sources where various types of Lucent Light can be found.
The profession is mainly focused in the New Verd, though there are some who explore the Old Verd as well, such as places in Sarrad and Xim.
Usually, most Seekers focus on trying to find Lustre (Light that has solidified), but sometimes they might be hired by wealthy investors to track down large veins of untouched Light. This can be quite dangerous, since raw, Lucent Light in large quantities are known to be very volatile, or it can cause irreversible damage to one's mental wellness. But whether it's Umbral, Radiant, Oneiric, or Astral Light, Seekers will go where there's money to be made, regardless of the risk.
Seekers are considered adventurers, as they go to unexplored lands and places, to hunt down Lucent Light. Once a source of Lucent Light is found, Seekers collect various types of Light in specialized crystal vials, which they then sell to their investors, or to the highest bidders.
Additionally, Seekers might make use of their Light Vials as ways of empowering their own abilities, since Seekers must often know how to fight to guard themselves from unknown dangers such as Dark Strangers, wild beasts, natives, or even other Lucent Seekers.
Seekers often go together in groups, usually organized by different Seeker Guilds and Orders. Powerful or wealthy individuals might hire Seekers to discover new sources of Lucent Light so they can establish Lucent Mines and operations, and sometimes a Seeker’s prowess as an adventurer and skilled fighter might prompt other work and uses, that aren't involved with anything to do with Lucent Light at all.

Groups of Interest
Many groups, organizations, and factions exist in the Verd. Some are small and can seem very insignificant, and some play a game on the highest level; as they might mainpulate nations and entire peoples upfront, or remain hidden in the background.
Most organizations are formed for a distinct purpose by like-minded individuals, such as workers unions, merchant companies, mercenary corps. , adventuring guilds, gangs and criminal groups, and various religious or zealous orders. Many groups also tend to be sponsored or directly affiliated with nations, but in general all organizations within a nation must obey and abide by that nation's laws.
However, some organizations are so large, that they transcend the might of nations. The Alkamists rule the Hagen Republic, the many Guilds maintain the laws and order of the Guilder States, and there are even a few factions within the Caden Empire, that possess enough influence to have a large say in the Empire's decisions.
VIPER is believed to be an organization of outcasts, criminals, separatists, and general insurrectionists, who oppose the Caden Empire and all forms of imperial rule. The organization is extremely secretive, powerful, and influential; or it is assumed so, as few actually know anything at all about VIPER’s movements, actual power, or motives.
There are supposedly several cells throughout the world who spread and perform acts of terrorism, though their strongest presence is rumoured to be in Mechia. It is possible the major leadership of VIPER (known simply as 'the Viper' themself) resides in Mechastra, which makes it a possiblity that the leader is one of the Machine Lords.
Many criminal organizations bear the "Mark of the Viper", but it’s been realized that this doesn’t necessarily make those organizations core members.
VIPER seems to recruit and supply gangs in various essential cities to help them create chaos across the Caden Empire. But when captured, these gangs don’t know any real details about VIPER, except that they are always approached by a hooded representative, who goes through extensive efforts to remain completely anonymous and untraceable.
In most cases, exchanges between VIPER and recruited gangs are done entirely through coded letters.

The Caden Empire considers VIPER one of the Empire’s greatest internal threats, and offers considerable rewards on any information about VIPER’s whereabouts, and there are extremely lucrative bounties for capturing (dead or alive) potential VIPER representatives.
Instead of actually doing the dirty-work themselves, VIPER appears to focus mostly on spreading doubts and propaganda to the common people; relying on creating rumours that spark panic, outrage, and insurrection. While the people rise, VIPER swoops in on any valuable targets to steal and collect; leaving behind only their 'Mark' to be found. Sometimes it’s simple money they’re after, other times it’s confidential information, and sometimes they kidnap high-ranking individuals.
Despite taking the imagery of snakes, VIPER doesn’t officially follow or worship the Black Serpent, or at least not from what little gathered information people know of the organization. It appears that VIPER chose snakes as their symbol as a means to instill fear in the Caden Empire, or at least something along those lines.
The Grey Guilds
The Grey Guilds are a series of various small to large groups of bounty hunters, known otherwise as Grey Hunters. They are found all over the Verd, but most of their members reside in the New Verd. In terms of nationality, their members come from all over, and swear no allegiance to any single nation.
The Grey Hunters track down their quarry, then collect on bounties and targets of criminals set by various authorities. Unlike most bounty hunter organizations, the Grey Guilds are highly organized and considered to be one of the more professional hunter organizations out there.
But it’s also said that they will do anything to find and collect their bounties, and they care little for any collateral damage they cause in the process, to the point where even innocent people have been hurt if they get in the way.
Many would describe Grey Hunters as criminals themselves, but the greater nations for the most part allows them their freedoms by turning a blind eye. In many cases, local enforcers allow Grey Hunters to do as they want, as their targets might fall out of the enforcers’ jurisdiction or capabilities.
These hunters fall mainly into a grey area when it comes to enforcement and criminal justice, and they rarely care to take any bounties alive; stating that the dead are much easier to detain.

Despite their blackened reputation, Grey Hunters are considered extremely good at their jobs. Most form hunting possés which consist of some newbies intent on learning the trade from more experienced members, though on occasion there are lone hunters as well. The most experienced hunters prefer to work alone.
The environment of Grey Hunters is competitive, since they more or less compete with each other for bounties. It isn’t unheard of that Hunters undermine, cheat, or kill each other when going after the same targets.
A typical hunter will carry a knife and a hunting rifle, though mostly anything goes to get the job done. Bombs, throwing daggers, poisons, traps, swords, chopsticks, etc. A Grey Hunter doesn’t care about morals or methods, so long as their quarry is caught or killed, and they get the money owed.
Coded Conclave
A Caden-based organization of decipherers and Codebreakers, dedicated to decoding the secret messages left behind in Galvan’s Code.
Their work is considered vital to the future and safety of the Caden Empire's technological advancement, as their efforts in deciphering Galvan’s Code grants the Grand Empire a technological edge over other nations.
Other nations have their codebreaking groups too, but the Coded Enclave is considered one of the best in the entire Verd.
But while they are likely the best codebreakers, in most cases the Coded Conclave has only been able to decipher some minor codes and unlocked basic schematics.
Most of what they have collected since their founding is still unsolved or incomplete. As such their secondary objective is to find and gather pieces of Galvan’s Code, and bring them back to Cadence for safekeeping.

According to public records, the Coded Conclave currently possesses 34 books, 29 manuscripts, and 102 lesser papers and letters, from which 4 books, 7 manuscripts, and 19 papers and letters have been successfully deciphered. It is, however, believed that the Coded Conclave has collected far more than they say they have, and it is likely that many more works have been deciphered, but might be locked away in secret vaults and labs.
The majority of the work of the Coded Conclave is kept at top-secret levels, and Codebreakers are chosen carefully to ensure that they aren’t potential spies. The organization is divided into various teams, who each work up to several years to decipher single pages of Galvan’s Code.
Since the nature of Galvan's Code is surrounded and dipped in all manner of mystery and supernatural dealings, the act of deciphering just one simple sentence can be very difficult and complicated. In fact, it is known that if one Codebreaker views a piece of encrypted code, and another Codebreaker later views the exact same code, then that code will look entirely different to them. The leading theory is that a Code's encrypted message changes based on the Codebreaker's most inner desires and ambitions, almost as if the Code itself is somewhat sentient, and can look into a person's heart. This means that Galvan's Code is largely in some way related to perception and wants, which further makes co-operative deciphering extremely delicate and daunting, and it requires a lot of careful planning and strict organizing. Codebreakers must be on 'the same page', as it were.
The Coded Conclave is one of the most secretive organizations based in the Caden Empire. Although their mission and identity is known to the general public, the Bureau of Codes in Cadence is one of the most well-guarded buildings in the entire Empire. Only the highest officials are allowed access, and even then they are subject to intense searches and kept under close watch.
A sub-division of the Coded Conclave, known as Codekeepers, are entirely dedicated to guarding the secrets of the organization, and in hunting down potential leads for the location of pieces of Galvan’s Code. These are the agents who are sent out to recover any Galvan-related information they can get their hands on, and often in direct competition with foreign agents.
Jin-Kir Glassworks
A highly influential and renowned group based in Jin-Kir, focused on creating tools, components, containers, etc. from various types of quality glass.
As glass is important in containing various otherworldly substances, the importance and wealth of the Glassworks has grown over the last century, and it is now officially sanctioned and supported by the Jin-Kir governmental wings in all three main City-States.
However, they also specialize in creating various weapons, armour, devices, and contraptions, which can be found all over Jin-Kir and the Solmun islands. They even create Glasswork Simulacrum, which are utilized as either labour, service, or as mechanical guards.
The influential power of the Glassworks even rivals foreign groups, such as the Imperial Manufactory, and some of the largest firms and companies of nearby Mechia.
Outside of producing and distributing their glass products, the Glassworks also largely oversees the general trade of goods throughout the Jin-Kir Alliance. Their main interests, however, lie in the glass-trade, and especially when it comes to dealing with foreign powers.

The Caden Empire and Hagen Republic both are major buyers when it comes to Jin-Kir's glass, since both nations largely depend on strong, Light-durable glass. While they do produce their own glass, it is said that nothing compares to the quality of Jin-Kiri glassmaking.
Aside from just boasting of their glassblowers' skill, the Glassworks insist that it is the quality of the sand in Solmun, mixed with finely ground seashells, which makes their glass so special.
The Imperial Manufactory
The official and largest group of engineers, etheric technicians, industrial developers, and machinists in the Caden Empire. The majority of the Manufactory’s factories and workshops can be found in the Union States, and they are at the forefront of Caden industrial and technological development.
They produce the largest output of Stormcoursers, as well as supervise the development of new, improved designs. Additionally they develop the electrical and etheric infrastructure of regions, and are responsible for having turned Cadence into the electrical capital of the world.
The Manufactory is also the leading group in developing military armaments and equipment, focused greatly on producing various vehicular weapons, such as tanks and warships. Improvements in rifling, bullets, and woven armour are also done primarily by the Manufactory.
The main goal and purpose of the Manufactory is to establish and advance industrial sectors throughout the Caden Empire, which it has more or less achieved in the majority of the Imperial Heartlands, or at least in the larger urban centres.

The modernization of the core regions has increased industrial output in both the Heartlands and the Union States, which allows the Caden Empire to compete with other heavily industrialized nations in the world, like Mechia, who remains the most advanced industrial superpower despite its very small territories.
In comparison, the Caden Empire might hold a lot of territory overall, but most of its territories and provinces are greatly under-developed, and it is the job of the Manufactory to see these places advance in their industrial infrastructure.
These efforts require substantial funding, resources, and time, which is why development is generally quite slow; especially with a current War being fought, and while other provincial issues continue to persist.
Order of the Bluemantles
The Order of the Bluemantles call themselves Paladins, who seek out signs of the Void to eradicate its presence, or they hunt for occult artifacts to neutralize and lock away. The Order specializes in fighting against Outsiders and Dark Strangers, by using various tools and weapons made from Light-altered materials.
The Bluemantle headquarters lies in Cadence, with other large headquarters spread throughout in the Grand Duchies. There are also other Bluemantle bases in other places of the world, but much more sparse compared to those in Norlesia and the Imperial Heartlands. Technically speaking the Bluemantles are a neutral, independent organization, but their main source of funding comes from the Caden Empire.
Bluemantles will hunt down any unsanctioned Outsiders or Dark Strangers, believing that they pose a greater danger to the world than most people are willing to admit.
Various groups of Bluemantles throughout the world maintain different unique techniques or tools, and they all have their own views on how to hunt Outsiders and Dark Strangers. Leaders of these groups are known as High Paladins, with a Lord Paragon seated in Cadence who leads the organization as a whole.

In order to fight the supernatural, the Bluemantles try to collect various relics and develop specialized equipment, weapons, and potions powered by various otherworldy ingredients. Radiant Light is particularly useful to a Paladin, who, if trained properly, can utilize such Lucent Light to neutralize Umbral Light, which is often used by Outsiders for their magic.
Bluemantles and Devils often clash, despite the Devils being sanctioned by the Caden Empire. At most these conflicts are political and rarely reach the point of open violence, but in general both Bluemantles and Devils dislike each other greatly. Rogue Devils are often hunted by Bluemantles, when the Devils themselves are unable to achieve the goal.
Bluemantles arm themselves with a number of various tools and gadgets, but their most valuable assets are their blue-coloured mantles, which are created from special cloth to make them highly flame-resistant, and also resistant to other elements such as those closely related to the Void. Additionally Bluemantles typically carry with them a decorated warhammer: more out of tradition than anything else, but they often imbue their hammers with various crystals.
The general feel of the entire Order gives off a very religious tone (or, rather, they can seem quite zealous in how they behave), but while some members might preach the Candler Precepts, the Order as a whole isn't one that serves the Candle or Radiance. Bluemantle Paladins aren't technically religious or follow religious doctrine, but many of their methods and rituals might often be confused for religious ones. The main goal of a Paladin is to exterminate the influence of the Void, and so they employ many superstitious methods and rituals to prepare themselves or generally aid them in their quest.
Life as a Paladin is dangerous, as the whispers of the Void can be very persuasive, or just very effective at breaking minds. New adepts rarely manage to survive for long, and long-time veterans tend to go insane eventually. And then there's the voracity and cleverness of Dark Strangers, whose behaviour is unpredictable, and their true essence can be difficult to exterminate properly. Still, Paladins dedicated to the Order are powered and encouraged by their duty, which they deem to be of paramount importance, especially now in this age of Darkest Nights.
Hawker Agents
A Caden-centric group of investigators and spies, who originally hail from the Heartland province of Kinhannon. In the old days of the earlier Heartland Kingdoms, Hawkers were guerrilla soldiers who were exceptionally skilled in using the cliffs of Kinhannon for swift, precise ambushes. For a long time, their tactics ensured that Kinhannon couldn't be conquered by rest of the Heartland Kingdoms.
Today, they have been refitted as the official spies of the Caden Empire.
The name is technically loosely associated with falconers (since Hawkers of the past used hawks to send messages to each other over the canyons), but many often mistake the name for peddlers and travelling traders.
Though, this isn’t too far from the truth either, as Hawker Agents typically disguise themselves as various commoner professions when they are spying or gathering intel for the Parliament and High Ministries; often ingraining themselves so much in their role that they sometimes spend entire years assuming their supposed identities.

While they are the hidden eyes and ears of the Caden Empire, they are also its silent blade. Hawker Agents are as skilled assassins as they are exceptional spies, and train to utilize various secretly developed tools and devices to perform their missions. They often work closely with local enforcers of cities to root out criminal gangs, and in recent years they have been significantly focused on tracking down the true identity of the Viper.
Hawker Agents aren’t supposed to be known publicly, and all records of their agents’ identities are kept in top secret locations throughout the Caden Empire; limiting each location to the identities of local agents only.
In order to be identified by enforcers and gain access to whatever they need, Hawker Agents are given code-names and can be identified by a memorized serial number that can be checked by telephoning a hidden agency situated in Cadence, or by identifying the serial number in a weekly updated log book, kept safely in any local main enforcement headquarters.
For Hawker Agents working in the field, trained Kinhannon Hawks are utilized as a means of relaying messages when radio is unfeasible. Additionally, their hawks can assist them in fighting if the need should arise.
Imperial Devils' Sect
Sometimes called mages, but more commonly referred to as Devils, the members of the Imperial Sect are Caden-sanctioned Outsiders who are trained in learning to control their Voidtouched powers, so that they can become agents of the Caden Empire.
The idea was to create a division of Outsiders that could be used as living weapons during times of war. In truth there are too few trained Devils in the Caden Empire to create actual military subdivisions, and so instead they are utilized as covert agents for tasks particularly involving the supernatural and the Void.
Leading the Devils is a Matriarch or Patriarch, who themselves must be closely vetted by the High Ministry of Supernatural Control to ensure that they are loyal to the Caden Empire alone. Even then, they are carefully watched by various handlers from the Ministry and Military.
Typical tasks for Devils consist of hunting down occult relics, eliminating illegal Outsiders, and dealing with issues that can usually only be solved through their magic. But because of how they intimidating they look and behave, Devils have a stained reputation within the Caden Empire, and the people fear their presence.

"Devils tend to become quite rigid and unnatural in the way they look and act; a result of their extremely harsh and disciplined training"
Devils see the nightmares of those they perceive. In many cases they can remove nightmares (by taking them on themselves), or worsen them as a person dreams. Generally though, especially nasty nightmares caused by Void influences are the most prized ones, and these nightmares are to be collected by using specialized dreamcatchers.
Collected Nightmares are stored at the Sect's citadel of Decanter, on the Devils' Eyes Isles. There they are further processed into a kind of oil, which can be used as a mindbreaking poison or venom, called Nightwishes.
These bottled, distilled dreams can be quite potent, and one drop is enough to doom a person to torturous living nightmares, and at worst it can kill the mind in a most gruesome way.
Outside of Nightwishes, the general trained powers of Devils involve utilizing the fears of the people and their targets, as they can consume nightmares to enhance their own powers, at the cost of a usually small amount of self-inflicted mental trauma. The efficiency depends on how powerful a victim's nightmares generally are.
A common misconception is that Devils cause nightmares, or make nightmares become real. In a sense, this can be true, as Devils can manipulate nightmares and amplify them, but they can't make nightmares out of nothing, and their interest in common, unremarkable nightmares is minor at best.
Additionally, Devils can see a person’s soul, and perceive their true character. More experienced Devils are better suited for such perception, as the ability to discern a person’s character merely by looking takes practice. Intermediate Devils must typically physically touch a person to see their soul and nightmares before they can make use of them.
Like with most Outsiders and Voidtouched individuals, Devils tend to be naturally talented in one of three ways; Heart (for charms and truthseeing), Fate (for memory and dreams), or Darkness (combat and shadows). Their use of nightmares are empowered by their natural path.
Devils are seen as the vicious dogs of the Caden Empire, and they are constantly watched by military guards and various handlers. To ensure that they can’t suddenly decide to go against the Caden Empire, tiny electrical devices are implanted into the back of their necks. These devices are connected to a short-range remote, and when activated the device will fry the Devil’s brain; effectively killing them within seconds. But in most cases a short jolt on low power is enough to discipline any unruly behaviour.
The downside to the safety-measure is the short range of the remote, and one would have to know the proper frequency to use it in the first place. Logs containing the information of every deployed and recruited Devil is kept in two places; the Caden Imperial Capital of Cadence, and in Decanter. Annual check-ups are conducted for each Devil, in which the frequency is changed to a new one.
Devils are extremely powerful as they train collectively with each other, rather than try to learn and control their powers by themselves. Years of training Devils has taught the Caden Empire much about how Outsiders work and how their powers manifest, and so the Imperial Sect is one of the more suited places for Outsiders to develop themselves.
Of course, joining the Sect also means that one would have to give up their freedoms and become what some consider to be a military slave of the Empire.
Devils are taught discipline through extensive, torturous pain, suffering, and brain-washing by a teacher, known better as a Torturer. Three needles are inserted into the sides of a Devil’s eye during their training; the first one is to teach Pain, the second to teach Purpose, and the third to teach Loyalty (where the Devil themself must insert the final needle).

Each needle is obtained through milestone events during their training. Once a Devil has achieved all three disciplines, their needles are removed, and they become fully fledged Caden Devils, and Outsider Agents of the Blue Crown.
Unlike the eyes of most common Outsiders (which are void-black), Devils’ pupils glow red instead of a faint white. This is believed to be caused by their painful training and indoctrination, by building a tolerance for pain, and unlocking part of their Outsider selves which is otherwise unattainable by other Outsiders. Their internal changes, which change their eye glow, is believed to be why Devils can look into a person and see nightmares and souls.
Their red eyes also seem to indicate their broken status, as it only turns red once their Torturer has sufficiently disciplined them over several months or years. An initiate whose eyes finally turn can begin their true training.
Spinsters' Lodge
The Spinsters' Lodge is a secretive, underground organization of various Voidtouched individuals, such as Outsiders and some Wichts. It was supposedly formed by various Spinners, who are individuals similar to Outsiders, but not quite as turned by the Void.
Spinners are those Voidtouched who possess some small magic powers, but can't be identified as Voidtouched by their appearance alone. This makes it easier for them to move around unnoticed, while also being able to utilize their powers. But, as mentioned, their powers are quite weak compared to Outsiders and some Wichts.
The Lodge is said to exist primarily in the Caden Empire; more specifically in the Imperial Heartlands. There they work with other criminal and underground organizations, to help smuggle Voidtouched people out of the Heartlands.
Usually most are sent to the east, to more Outsider-open places like Xim, but some are also sent to the New Verd, where there are more important issues than a few renegade Outsiders.
There are many hideouts and bases throughout the Heartlands, and many are often found and raided by Imperial Police, or by either Bluemantles or Caden Devils as well.

Noteworthy Persons
There are those individuals in the Verd, who often stand out, and make a great impact to the people around them, their nation, or to the entire world. These are often leaders, or people of great influence, or icons of worship. Sometimes they have a story that reaches many people, or their legend is spread from heroic or villainous stock.
In The Verd, there have been a few people who have affected the direction of history, be it through their inventions, their leadership, or their sacrifices. Individuals who become history themselves, who are spoken of centuries after their death, continue to make impacts on the people of the Verd.
And then there's those notable individuals who have risen today, whose existence seems to inspire others; be it at inspiring fear, or at inspiring hope. These persons are those elevated by fame, who become celebrities and people of influence, who the masses look far, far up to from way below.
Her Radiance Essaline,
the Radiant Empress
Crowned Queen Essaline in 1307 AE when she was twenty-six, and later self-declared herself as first Empress of the Caden Empire when she won her first war at thirty-three.
Essaline has fought, navigated, and endured all hardships within and beyond Court and Ministries, to ensure that she, of Luminarchic status and Imperial Right, still stands above all adversaries and schemers, as she oversees the grandest Empire to have ever existed, and espies and scries the mysteries that lie between this reality and the next.
Essaline is the current Empress of the Blue Crown of the Caden Empire. She came to power after the Grand Parliament, who after ten years of avoiding to elect a new Queen (during a period of no seated Queen), finally managed to pick a worthy successor from the surviving Princess candidates.
At the time there were about three-hundred potential successors (an all-time high), and in the end Essaline was one of five Princesses who remained.

What is unusual about Essaline’s succession to the throne is the fact that she belonged to no House of Nobility, and she came from no discernibly wealthy or influential background. She was an orphan who grew up on the streets of Cadence, though not much else of that past is publicly known. Of course, many candidates have a similar background, but the unusual part is that she won over the more prominent highborn candidates, who in the past have been more likely to win the contest for the Blue Crown.
Essaline rose to power with no sponsors, no allies, and no inherited wealth, aside from what limited funds she was given after graduating from the Royal Blue Academy.
Unlike previous queens who were more like figureheads and symbols, Essaline has sustained a far more prevalent role in managing and ruling the Caden Empire, and she is the first Caden queen to refer to herself officially as Empress. In the past the Grand Parliament solely made all the state decisions across the provinces, but Essaline had already gathered a great amount of influence and authority during her years as a Princess, which has given her substantial political power within the Empire in the after-years.
Already during her first five years on the Imperial Throne, the Empress used her influence to rewrite certain policies, which made her equal in power to the Prime Ministers. Decades later, and the Imperial Triune of Radiant Empress, Prime Minister of War, and Prime Minister of Peace still rules together equally.
Essaline's title of the Radiant Empress derives from her fascination for Lucent Light, and more because of her physical transformation by high exposure to Radiant Light spawned from consuming Lustre. Unlike most who succumb to their Lustre addiction and fall into madness, the Empress managed to endure and become stronger through Radiant Light, to the point where she has become what the Candlers refer to as a 'Luminarch', which are said to be those very rare people chosen by Radiance.
She appears as younger than she really is (she appears to be in her thirties, but is in fact ninety-one years old), her eyes are that of a golden glow, and strands of her typically raven-black hair are visibly illuminated with sun-like threads of light, instead of the typical purple strands common to those of Caden's Blood. Many zealous Candlers believe that she has been chosen by the Radiance, which has gained her many followers among the Candlers in the Heartlands, and especially in Norlesia.
Additionally, Essaline’s fascination for Lucent Light has given rise to several national pursuits in regards to advancing electrical and etheric technologies. Caden’s core infrastructure has generally progressed so effectively because of Essaline’s insistence for policies, laws, and funding towards the advancement of electrical research and development, especially in the pursuit of utilizing Ether and developing its uses further via heavy industrial implementation.

"Her Radiance"
The Empress has managed to stay strong and presentable through the Caden Empire’s many recent troubles. She has endured the Empire’s hardships, led it through them, and gained the admiration of her people in the Heartlands and in all the Provincial Colonies. She is a ruthless tactician, and a wise listener; sixty-five years on the Throne has given her experiences and wisdom aplenty.
During the Second War against the Iron Kingdoms, she was present at every major battle; firstly to help boost the morale of her soldiers, and secondly to actively discuss battleplans with her generals, and plan her armies' movements.
During the Pauper Uprising in the capital, Essaline walked alone through the streets and calmed the people; apparently in nothing but her nightgown hastily thrown on her, with only a few handmaidens around as escorts. The Uprising ended before it could begin, as Essaline promised the paupers food and safety. While there are conflicting accounts from witnesses, it is mainly believed that Essaline's radiant glow acted to calm and warm the angry hearts of those present.
But now as the Empress is becoming old, the time for a new successor is close by. However, this time the Empress has taken full charge in the selection of the next in line, and the Grand Parliament has lost its right to choose a new one entirely; including the Prime Ministers.
Many Princesses now compete, far more than before, for the favour of the Radiant Empress. Yet as the years have gone by, she has still yet to choose. It's been nearly fifteen years since the contest officially began, and many Princesses have fallen during that time. There are, however, still many left in the running.
It is feared by the Imperial Ministers that if the Empress doesn’t choose soon, her eventual death will trigger an empire-wide Civil War across the provinces, whilst others believe that she intends to never choose; disillusioned by a personal insistence and belief that she has managed to achieve immortality through Radiant Light. The latter is mainly the opinion of Candlers, who actively worship the Radiant Empress regardless. In truth none know exactly the plans of the Empress, as she hasn't deigned to share her criteria for the next Empress with seemingly anyone at all.
Swiftharp, Princess of Thieves
For those of Caden's Blood who become Princesses, it is a chance at a life of great affluence and luxury. Few would deny this blessed opportunity, because even if they are part of a contest for the Blue Crown, they don't have to actively participate, if they just want to lounge around like most Princesses do.
But for some Princesses, the Blue Crown is just an expensive piece of tat, and the Throne is just a chair, the people around obnoxious bores, and the power to rule over half the known world is better left to someone who cares.
To the Princess of Thieves, birthright is a curse; one she defies openly as she decides to take, instead of being given.
The Princess known only as 'Swiftharp' is a dissident girl, likely in her early twenties or possibly younger, who refuses to join the ranks of the Caden Princesses, which makes her a prime target for arrest by the Imperial Police and High Inquest.
Instead she has taken to a life of thievery and other criminal behaviour, and over time she's created a renowned reputation of herself, as she is known widely as the Princess of Thieves.

No one knows her true identity, her motivations, or why she refuses to join the Princesses. Despite this, people still call her the 'Magpie Princess'; a name made up by the highborn circles, mostly intended as ridicule. But while Swiftharp is regarded as a lowly commoner, there is speak of that she's experienced at least some highborn education, as she's apparently been able to blend in amongst the many balls and highborn parties, and only been found out when she's left her calling card behind in the manor's vaults.
Swiftharp makes the oil-tainted and heavily industrial city of Travishavn her hunting grounds, where she contends with the many unruly gangs and corrupt officials. She is wanted for several crimes, including theft, fraud, assault, arson, impersonation, incitement, and ridicule of the laws. Currently her bounty stands at 3,000Cs, which is quite a considerable amount that attracts the attention of many bounty hunters.
So far she has managed to evade all capture, all without killing anyone. It would seem she is entirely against killing, as those who cross blades with her are only knocked out and scratched at worst.
Her fame has only increased over the years, to the point where she is seen as a celebrity by the common people and highborn alike. Songs are written of her, and stories told. Even so, no one truly knows what she looks like, as the only defining features about her speak of her striking, purple-blue eyes, and silken dark-wine hair.
The Viper
The supposed leader of the extremely secretive and criminal VIPER organization is simply just known as 'The Viper'.
No one knows who the Viper is, what they look like, or if they even really exist. It could be several people at the same time, or an invented persona, but no one knows because no one appears to have ever seen or exchanged words with the Viper.
According to rumours the Viper is one of the Machine Lords of Mechia, which puts them out of reach even from other Machine Lords, let alone Caden investigators.
Some believe that the Viper is a story made up by VIPER, who use the persona as a distraction or source of fears and doubts to scare the common people, and to inspire dissidents to join in the rebellious deconstruction of the Caden Empire.
According to these stories, the Viper is either a fighter against Imperial injustices intent on cleansing the corruption rooted deep in the Empire, or they are an Outsider of great, unrivalled power, who has existed since before the Resurgence, and who seeks to engulf the Empire in Void.
Most stories of the Viper’s being are likely embellished and exaggerated, and while there are ancient references that mention a being similar to the Viper around the time of the Asharic, it most likely served as inspiration, and doesn't have any clear truths to it.

Calvo Galvan
Calvo Galvan was born in the Guilder States and later became an engineer in the Caden Union States.
When he was in his thirties, he was the first to design and develop 'Stormcoursers', the creation of which led to the discovery and eventual colonization of the Pandoran Continent.
While he was primarily an inventor and engineer, he also held a great love for exploration, and to find a path through the Storm Seas was his ambitious passion project.
Galvan, heading an expedition consisting of two Stormcoursers and voluntary crews recruited from prisons, would find a way through between the Alkan and Norvaltic Stormseas, in what was to later be known as the Galvan Passage. On the other side awaited the New Verd of Pandora.
Over the next few decades, Galvan would lead several more expeditions to the New Verd. However, Galvan and his crew would presumably lose their lives on their last expedition to the New Verd, as they were never seen again.

While he was a genius in life who made many simple yet intricate inventions, Galvan's true genius wouldn’t be discovered until long after the Resurgence, when various books and papers apparently written by his hand were acquired by collectors. All his writings looked like the ramblings and scribblings of a madman, but one collector solved the first code and learned that Galvan’s writings were schematics and recipes to highly advanced, futuristic technologies, or detailed descriptions of unspeakable revelations about the natural and supernatural world.
Galvan’s Code, as it would be known as, continued to prove true in its potential as more was deciphered, and nations acquired an immediate interest in collecting more of Galvan’s works to discover more schematics. The deciphering of Galvan’s work has led to several revolutionary technologies that paved the way for modern industrialization, and Galvan is revered as the father of the future world. The modernisation of the Caden Empire was sparked mainly due to his deciphered works, and the Hagen Republic has been greatly transformed by many of his alchemical discoveries.
How exactly Galvan acquired his knowledge to write his code and schematics is unknown. Some say he was visited by voices in his sleep, which whispered secrets into his ear. Most just believe that Galvan was a natural-born genius, but there is obviously something Voidtouched about his works. Each Code is surrounded by mysticism and the occult, as they seem to reveal secrets that no one are meant to know, and especially not anyone who's been dead for centuries now.
Clues for deciphering Galvan’s Code lie in Galvan’s many maddening works. One code might not be broken unless another is broken first. There is also a seemingly endless number of Galvan manuscripts, books, papers, notes, etc. as they just appear almost all the time out of nowhere. It generally doesn't make any logical sense, because his works can appear in places he had never ever been to. Some believe that these works are actively being written even now; centuries after Galvan’s death.
By who, no one can say, but some believe that Galvan is somehow still alive, and there are those who think that he is writing them from somewhere deep within the darkest Void.